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Katherine Noyes

Infographic how yoga supports communication and cognition

Free Download: How Yoga & Mindfulness Support Communication & Cognitive Skills after Brain Injury

Are you curious how yoga and mindfulness can support communication and cognitive skills in brain injury recovery? Click here for a free download of our new infographic, “How Yoga & Mindfulness Support Communication & Cognitive Skills.” This easy-to-read resource describes some of the key cognitive-linguistic areas that can benefit from yoga and mindfulness, including: Attention Memory Executive Function Receptive and… Read More »Free Download: How Yoga & Mindfulness Support Communication & Cognitive Skills after Brain Injury

What is teletherapy like? Image of laptop computer with Katherine and client on Google Meet.

What is Teletherapy like?

Teletherapy, or telepractice, is online speech therapy. Our speech-language pathology services are provided online via teletherapy, which means you can access from anywhere! Our services are currently available to residents of Maine and Massachusetts. You likely already have everything you need to participate in teletherapy. All you need is: A computer (or tablet) Internet access Webcam (which is usually built… Read More »What is Teletherapy like?

June is Aphasia Awareness Month - National Aphasia Association

Speech Therapy for Aphasia

Aphasia is a communication disorder affecting more than two million people in the United States. The American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) defines aphasia as “an acquired neurogenic language disorder resulting from an injury to the brain – most typically, the left hemisphere.” Continue reading to learn more about speech therapy for aphasia. What does aphasia look like? Aphasia varies… Read More »Speech Therapy for Aphasia

Lotus Speech & Wellness logo

We are now accepting new clients!

Lotus Speech & Wellness, LLC is launching online Speech Therapy & Yoga services We are excited to announce that we are now accepting new clients for our private practice. Lotus Speech & Wellness, LLC offers speech-language pathology, yoga, and mindfulness services to people with neurological impairment. Our unique, wellness-based approach focuses on addressing ongoing functional, individual goals to increase independence… Read More »We are now accepting new clients!

MAY IS Better Hearing and Speech Month

May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

“Each May, Better Hearing & Speech Month (BHSM) provides an opportunity to raise awareness about communication disorders and the role of ASHA members in providing life-altering treatment.” American Speech Language and Hearing Association (ASHA) May is Better Hearing & Speech Month. The theme for this year is “Building Connections.” Each week has a different area of focus: Week 1: Lessons… Read More »May is Better Hearing and Speech Month

Resources. Image of laptop with Resources page displayed. Websites Books and Videos available on our website.

Resources to learn more about communication and wellness after brain injury

Have you checked out the Resources Page on our website yet? This page links to an ever-growing list of resources about communication, cognition, and wellness after brain injury. Websites We have compiled a list of websites about communication and cognition after brain injury, as well as a list of websites about accessible yoga and mindfulness. Books Check out our… Read More »Resources to learn more about communication and wellness after brain injury

Love Your Brain Yoga Certified

LoveYourBrain: A yoga and mindfulness program for people affected by brain injury

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend LoveYourBrain’s 4-day online Health Professional training. I am excited to share some of what I learned about this wonderful organization, especially its research-backed accessible yoga and meditation program for people affected by brain injury. The LoveYourBrain Foundation is a non-profit organization that improves the quality of life of people affected by… Read More »LoveYourBrain: A yoga and mindfulness program for people affected by brain injury

My speech is fine. Do I need to see a speech therapist?

My speech is fine. Do I need to see a speech therapist (SLP)?

We have heard this question from clients and their families many times. Because speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are often just referred to as “speech therapists”, it is not surprising that many people think that SLPs only help people who are having difficulty speaking clearly. In our previous blog post, “What is the role of a speech-language pathologist?“, we describe what SLPs… Read More »My speech is fine. Do I need to see a speech therapist (SLP)?

More than my brain injury - Brain Injury Association

Brain Injury Awareness Month: Concussions are a Type of Brain Injury

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is leading a month-long campaign to increase awareness about brain injury. Read more about the #MoreThanMyBrainInjury campaign in last week’s blog post. This week, we are bringing awareness to concussion. A concussion is also described as a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). However, this classification of… Read More »Brain Injury Awareness Month: Concussions are a Type of Brain Injury

yoga and mindfulness for brain injury recovery

Article Summary: How Yoga Can Help People with Traumatic Brain Injury – Brain & Life Magazine

About a year ago, after participating in her first LoveYourBrain yoga program, Katherine collaborated with Brain & Life Magazine and LoveYourBrain to help publish an article about the benefits of yoga for people with traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Brain & Life Magazine is “The American Academy of Neurology’s patient-education magazine, available free to patients, caregivers, and all interested in neurology… Read More »Article Summary: How Yoga Can Help People with Traumatic Brain Injury – Brain & Life Magazine