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Support for Living with Brain Injury

As mentioned in previous posts linked here and here, March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. There are many topics that deserve to be highlighted pertaining to brain injury, and today our focus is support for living with brain injury. The scope of impacts from brain injury can be life-altering and wide-ranging. Domains commonly affected by brain injury can include: Physical… Read More »Support for Living with Brain Injury

More than my brain injury - Brain Injury Association

Brain Injury Awareness Month: Concussions are a Type of Brain Injury

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is leading a month-long campaign to increase awareness about brain injury. Read more about the #MoreThanMyBrainInjury campaign in last week’s blog post. This week, we are bringing awareness to concussion. A concussion is also described as a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). However, this classification of… Read More »Brain Injury Awareness Month: Concussions are a Type of Brain Injury

More than my brain injury logo

Why Speaking Up About Brain Injury Matters: Brain Injury Awareness Month

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, and the Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) has long been a leader in raising awareness of this often misunderstood diagnosis. BIAA’s  theme for 2021 is #MoreThanMyBrainInjury.  The goal of this campaign is to improve understanding of what it is like to live with brain injury. The phrase, “living with brain injury” speaks volumes… Read More »Why Speaking Up About Brain Injury Matters: Brain Injury Awareness Month

yoga and mindfulness for brain injury recovery

Article Summary: How Yoga Can Help People with Traumatic Brain Injury – Brain & Life Magazine

About a year ago, after participating in her first LoveYourBrain yoga program, Katherine collaborated with Brain & Life Magazine and LoveYourBrain to help publish an article about the benefits of yoga for people with traumatic brain injury (TBI).  Brain & Life Magazine is “The American Academy of Neurology’s patient-education magazine, available free to patients, caregivers, and all interested in neurology… Read More »Article Summary: How Yoga Can Help People with Traumatic Brain Injury – Brain & Life Magazine

5 tips to help with word finding, hands with puzzle pieces

Compensatory Strategies For Word Finding

I recently shared a post outlining tips to manage difficulty with attention, in which I enumerated the many domains of cognitive-communication SLPs address when working with the adult neurogenic population. Word finding difficulty is one such domain, and is a common complaint of many who have suffered a stroke or brain injury. Word finding difficulty is a hallmark symptom of… Read More »Compensatory Strategies For Word Finding

Lotus Language Thought Speech over Logo

Language, Thought, & Speech: Cognitive-Communication Skills After Brain Injury

Neurological impairment can be due to a number of causes. These include traumatic brain injury (e.g., moderate to severe TBI, mild TBI or concussion), acquired brain injury (e.g., stroke, tumor, anoxia), and neurodegenerative disorders (e.g., Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, Primary Progressive Aphasia, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis). People with neurological impairment may experience a variety of speech, language, and/or cognitive impairments, which… Read More »Language, Thought, & Speech: Cognitive-Communication Skills After Brain Injury

benefits of telepractice

How Telepractice Can Make Quality Therapy More Accessible

One of the many benefits of becoming a Certified Brain Injury Specialist is receiving access to a newsletter offered by the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists called the ACBIS Insider. The most recent newsletter covered topics related to telepractice in brain injury rehabilitation and care. The current COVID-19 pandemic has brought telepractice, which is the practice of using technology… Read More »How Telepractice Can Make Quality Therapy More Accessible

Happy inauguration day 2021

Happy Inauguration Day!

“America was born of an idea that every single solitary person, given half a chance, no matter where they’re from, given half a chance, there is not a single thing they cannot do if they work at it. Nothing is beyond their capacity.” President Joe Biden, from Today, January 20, 2021, is the Inauguration of President Joe Biden and… Read More »Happy Inauguration Day!

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5 Tips to Improve Attention

“I have a hard time focusing”. “I get distracted easily”. “I lose my train of thought”. These sentences are examples of a common deficit found in people living with brain injury, stroke, concussion, dementia, and a wide range of other neurogenic communication disorders: impaired attention. There are many domains of cognitive-communication that SLPs address in therapy (e.g. attention, memory, processing,… Read More »5 Tips to Improve Attention