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image of lotus flower with text of blog post title "Mindfulness and meditation for brain injury"

Mindfulness and Meditation for Brain Injury and Beyond

For today’s post, I’ve compiled a list of free mindfulness and meditation resources. Many people have heard and learned about the benefits of mindfulness and meditation, but often don’t know how or where to start. This can be even more difficult or overwhelming after a brain injury. My first recommendation is to remember that mindfulness and meditations are called practices… Read More »Mindfulness and Meditation for Brain Injury and Beyond

Mindful moment from an SLP

Mindful Moment: From the Office of an SLP

One of the distinguishing features of our practice at Lotus Speech & Wellness is that we incorporate principles of mindfulness into our speech therapy sessions. This may sound interesting in theory, but what exactly does that mean?  Working to achieve functional gains is one of the primary goals of therapy, however we as therapists must slow down to ensure we… Read More »Mindful Moment: From the Office of an SLP

12 Days of Wellness

The holiday season is upon us, and though it is a time for celebration, it can also be a hectic time of year for many people. The various activities that make the holidays special – decorating, shopping for gifts, planning and attending holiday parties (though virtually this year!) – can leave us feeling burnt out and exhausted. There is, of… Read More »12 Days of Wellness

Can mindfulness change brain structure?

This post summarizes a research study that looked at the effect of mindfulness and yoga on brain structure. The researchers found significant increases in brain matter concentration in participants who completed an 8 week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course. Read on to learn more about the study, why brain matter concentration matters and the body of evidence that points to a… Read More »Can mindfulness change brain structure?