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speech therapy

What is teletherapy like? Image of laptop computer with Katherine and client on Google Meet.

What is Teletherapy like?

Teletherapy, or telepractice, is online speech therapy. Our speech-language pathology services are provided online via teletherapy, which means you can access from anywhere! Our services are currently available to residents of Maine and Massachusetts. You likely already have everything you need to participate in teletherapy. All you need is: A computer (or tablet) Internet access Webcam (which is usually built… Read More »What is Teletherapy like?

My speech is fine. Do I need to see a speech therapist?

My speech is fine. Do I need to see a speech therapist (SLP)?

We have heard this question from clients and their families many times. Because speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are often just referred to as “speech therapists”, it is not surprising that many people think that SLPs only help people who are having difficulty speaking clearly. In our previous blog post, “What is the role of a speech-language pathologist?“, we describe what SLPs… Read More »My speech is fine. Do I need to see a speech therapist (SLP)?

5 tips to help with word finding, hands with puzzle pieces

Compensatory Strategies For Word Finding

I recently shared a post outlining tips to manage difficulty with attention, in which I enumerated the many domains of cognitive-communication SLPs address when working with the adult neurogenic population. Word finding difficulty is one such domain, and is a common complaint of many who have suffered a stroke or brain injury. Word finding difficulty is a hallmark symptom of… Read More »Compensatory Strategies For Word Finding

benefits of telepractice

How Telepractice Can Make Quality Therapy More Accessible

One of the many benefits of becoming a Certified Brain Injury Specialist is receiving access to a newsletter offered by the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists called the ACBIS Insider. The most recent newsletter covered topics related to telepractice in brain injury rehabilitation and care. The current COVID-19 pandemic has brought telepractice, which is the practice of using technology… Read More »How Telepractice Can Make Quality Therapy More Accessible

white and gold planner with pencil and succulent

5 Tips to Improve Attention

“I have a hard time focusing”. “I get distracted easily”. “I lose my train of thought”. These sentences are examples of a common deficit found in people living with brain injury, stroke, concussion, dementia, and a wide range of other neurogenic communication disorders: impaired attention. There are many domains of cognitive-communication that SLPs address in therapy (e.g. attention, memory, processing,… Read More »5 Tips to Improve Attention

What is the role of a speech-language pathologist?

“Speech-Language Pathologists, also called SLPs, are experts in communication.” -American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) We are called speech-language pathologists, SLPs, speech therapists, or sometimes even “speechies.” And while we can certainly help you with your speech, our goal at Lotus Speech & Wellness is to do much more: we hope to support you as you continue to make progress and… Read More »What is the role of a speech-language pathologist?

Holiday Gift Guide 2020

There’s no denying that 2020 has been an unpredictable whirlwind of a year. With the holidays officially upon us, we thought we’d put together a little Gift Guide, with 10 gift ideas connected to speech and language, wellness, and brain injury recovery. Please feel free to share any other gift suggestions for our community in the comment section below. JOURNAL… Read More »Holiday Gift Guide 2020